Always stay in touch

with your home

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Soon you will not be able to imagine your life without smart home system! Can you imagine life without smartphones and tablets? Probably not.
A few years ago it was considered luxurious and inaccessible.
Today, almost everyone has it. Similarly, intelligent home management ceases to be a privilege for the few, and becomes an indispensable tool to ease our daily routine.
Meet Cockpit, a smart and simple system that enables you to control your home from anywhere in the world, using one intuitive application on your smartphone.

Smart home has never been so accessible!

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Look what you can do with Cockpit

and Personalized

It’s morning. The blinds open and your bedroom fills with soft light and warmth while your coffee is being made.
Feels like waking up in a fairytale?

Well…. you’re still at your home – but from now on, it’s Cockpit in charge, making sure you start your day the right way.

Cockpit will perfectly fit your needs. You will adjust the ideal temperature for every room and in the most comfortable way you will be able to control the household appliances and electronics. You can’t imagine how quickly you will get used to a better life.

  • Air conditioning
  • Blinds
  • Adjust lighting
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Your home is the most valuable place in the world, right?
No wonder you want it to be safe and protected at all times.
Whether you’re in or out, Cockpit system is always there to monitor events and notify you if something is wrong.

As soon as you leave the house, Cockpit will lock the door behind you, arm the door sensor and the cameras will monitor the situation. Oops! Halfway to work you remind yourself that you might have not turned off the iron? Turn it off… with your smartphone! With only one touch you will be able to control lights and blinds to scare off intruders. At any time, you can also check whether the children under the care of a nanny are safe and … polite.
You see? Everything is under control.

  • Lights
  • Security
  • Household goods
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Imagine a winter evening. You come home and from the door you feel pleasant temperature. You do not like winter? OKAY. It’s summer. Hot day. You come home and the living room is a pleasant 18 degrees … Thanks to Cockpit! Not only it regulates the temperature in an intelligent way. First and foremost is that you reduce the consumption of energy and… save!

With Cockpit you can completely automatize the system of temperature control or change settings on a current basis depending on your needs. The whole house or each room separately. Being away from home, you can always make sure the lights and all controlled by Cockpit electrical appliances are definitely turned off and do not consume and waste energy.

  • Air conditioning
  • Lights
  • Heating
BackFind out more
Lighting management
Lighting management
Climate control
Climate control
Security system management
Security system management
Service appliances
Service appliances
Blind control system
Blind control system
Heating control
Heating control

Click and see what you can manage with Cockpit

Lighting management
Lighting management
Climate control
Climate control
Security system management
Security system management
Service appliances
Service appliances
Blind control system
Blind control system
Heating control
Heating control

From now on, the house, and almost any electrical device will be always at your fingertips. Click on the desired icon to identify the device which you use every day and see what you can do with the application button.

Lighting management

Lighting management

Control lights - remotely! Take a mid-day nap or wathch the evening news with a delicate light. Use a bright and clear one at your home office. With one button you can even conjure up the romantic atmosphere…

Climate control

Climate control

If you can’t be comfortable at home, where can you be? Your home should be neither too hot nor too cold, just perfect! With the ability to manage air-conditioning and individual temperature control in each room, everyone in your home will be able to set themselves a climate they can really relax in.

Security system management

Security system management

(including monitoring, blinds burglary, garage door) Every time someone enters your home during your absence, the system will inform you by sending a notification directly on your phone. You will also have an insight into the domestic situation through preview of the cameras.

Service appliances

Service appliances

With one application, like a magic wand, you can turn on the washing machine or dishwasher or turn off the iron, if you forgot about it before you left home. You can even start the coffee machine using Cockpit's Smart Plug. In this way, all the devices in your smart home will also be smart. You will appreciate it immediately!

Blind control system

Blind control system

Cockpit enables you to control your blinds with schedules. This will allow you to maximize the use of daylight, thus reducing electricity consumption.

Heating control

Heating control

Warm, warmer ... hot! You found the perfect solution! Cockpit will allow you to remotely manage heating. The whole house or each room separately. This not only will ensure yourself and your loved ones the perfect conditions for work and rest but also save, consuming less energy!



Cockpit benefits are too many to mention. One of the biggest benefit is the ability of using scenarios that facilitate daily functioning at home. Take a look which solutions can suite your needs and create your own, even better tailored to your lifestyle and household!
Here are some sample scenarios. Contact us to get more ideas or discuss yours.


So far configuring smart home was available for the few: occupied a lot of time associated with tearing down walls and was extremely expensive. Installing Cockpit is fast and non-invasive, and the devices are assembled for finished flat as well as for flat where we already live. With Cockpit remote management of home is available for everyone!

Installation takes a few simple steps:

The owner tells us about his expectations.

We configure system to their needs and connect the


  • The owner tells us about his expectations.

  • We configure system to their needs and connect the

  • Done!

Order a free consultation

Fill in the form. We will prepare tailor made plan for your household's needs!

Do you have more questions? Send us an email or call us. We also invite you to the showroom nearest to you. Contact us... and always stay in touch with your home!

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What is most important
to you in home management?
*The minimum number of options is 1
Determine the size of your home (m2)
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